Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hello I am back again!

Hello I am back to blogging! I was blogging about everything but stopped for a few years. I see my last post was in February of 2009! I could explain why I have been gone so long, and give all kinds of excuses. But it really is simple. Maybe I was taken away by Facebook like everyone else on this planet or maybe I needed the break so badly :P Well now I am back for another semester of blogging. I hope to share some of my thoughts on internet and computers as usual, and of course some of the issues that concern me. As usual please feel free to leave your feedback :)

Fun with Facebook with more goodies

Here are a few goodies for you to have fun while in Facebook. Please read carefully to to get the desired results. Feel free to leave a comment :P 1. Sign in with your username (unique URL). Instead of typing out your entire e-mail address each time you sign in, use your username (the one that leads people to your profile, like facebook.com/sharonvak) instead. Even if your info is auto-filled, this trick will save a hassle when you're prompted to sign in on your mobile device or public computers. 2. Hover over photo thumbnails to zoom. This feature isn't built in to Facebook, but after months of using it, it sure feels like it. Facebook Photo Zoom, a free browser extension, enlarges thumbnails and photos when you mouse over them. It's super useful when browsing through the News Feed and you want to see what a photo looks like without clicking the thumbnail and prompting a new page. Here's the Chrome extension( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/elioihkkcdgakfbahdoddophfngopipi ), and a similar one forFirefox( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/thumbnail-zoom/?src=search ). 3. Chrome Addon to spice up your chat: Pretty Facebook Chat .Prettify your Facebook chat. Bigger size, more animation, more... nice :-) Prettify your Facebook chat. Bigger size, more animation, more... nice :-) * WARNING: facebook has changed some things in chat engine, so some things in PFC are broken. Be patient please... Prettify your facebook chat with this extension: - Draggable - Bigger size - nice shadow - little animation - Emoticon window. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ihamlfilbdodiokndlfmmlpjlnopaobi To be continued.


This is another piece written by Rangam Thoitak Chiru back in 2009. Hope you enjoy reading it. Here it reads: " Cars.....the ani...